
How to register a trademark in Dubai

Do you have a winning business idea or an awesome brand name? And now you are thinking, “How do I ensure that no one else copies my business idea or brand name?” 

So if you are someone who is serious about business setup in Dubai, then Trademark Registration will prevent it from misuse and keep it safe from copycats.  With this step, you can make sure that your business is secure, gain customer support, and enhance your brand’s worth. 

Why is Trademark Registration so important?

Let’s be real. Dubai’s business world is growing, and if you fail to protect your brand, someone else might just take it. By registering your trademark, your brand name, symbol, logo, and tagline will be protected, keeping others from using them. Along with that, by registering it early, you can avoid future legal headaches by having everything in order from the start.

Step 1: Conduct a Trademark Search

First things first, ensure your brand’s name is unique, it should not be already in use. Make sure a thorough search is done on the Ministry of Economy’s website, which will show you if the name, logo, symbol, or tagline you want to register is already in use or not. This small step will save you from legal troubles later on!

Step 2: Fill Out the Trademark Registration Application

The next step after deciding on a unique name for your brand is to duly fill out the online Trademark Registration Application form, which is available on the Ministry of Economy’s website. Fill out your basic details like name, nationality, and address, along with a description of your trademark and logo (if you have one). 

Step 3: Provide the Required Documents

Next, to keep things official, you need to attach some paperwork:

  • A power of attorney if an agent is handling your registration process 
  • Arabic translations for any non-Arabic trademarks
  • Musical notes or scent descriptions for specialised marks (if needed)

Cross-check everything and ensure your translations into Arabic are spot-on!

Step 4: Wait for the Ministry’s Review

The next step is to relax and wait (90 days) for the Ministry of Economy’s approval after they review your application to double-check whether everything is done according to the prescribed procedure. Once you get the approval for your trademark, you need to spend some money in furtherance of the procedure, which is AED 750 for the publication fee. 

Step 5: Publication and Objection Period

Now comes the fingers-crossing step, wherein your trademark application will be published in the bulletin once it gets the Ministry’s approval. Following up with a 30-day waiting period where others get a right to raise objections. If no one objects, then the application process further proceeds. But by chance you receive, then you can defend yourself! 

Step 6: Final Acceptance and Payment

Once any opposition is resolved or there are no objections, you will receive final approval from the ministry. Afterwards, within 30 days, you need to pay a registration fee to receive official registration for your trademark. 

Step 7: Trademark Ownership Secured!

Great news for your business setup in Dubai! Your hard work will be worth it as you will receive your trademark registration certificate confirming your ownership along with all the important details. Then you can just sit back and relax since your trademark will be valid for 10 years, and when the time comes, you can easily renew your brand’s registration again. 

Here’s what we conclude for you. 

Trademark Registration is a non-negotiable step if you really want your brand to succeed and protect it from imitators. Securing a registration certificate during your business setup in Dubai will give you full ownership of your brand and brand name allowing you to sue your competitors if they copy, and last but not least, will make your brand stand out nationally as well as internationally. 

And the best part? Quickplus is there for you at every step of this process from start to finish, allowing you to completely focus on your brand’s growth. 

Reach out to us if you want to make a mark in the market. Wish you all the very best.